Trianon Palace Versailles, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel

You slowly turn the knob and push open the door. The morning’s beauty caresses your face as you step out onto the balcony to be welcomed by the land of berets & accordion music. There, in the corner, awaits a small table set for two. Croissants, slices of cheese, jam, homemade butter, and an array of fruit decorate the white tablecloth. Breakfast. Sitting down, you grab your coffee & look up. Behind a dainty, pink rose in a stainless steel vase sprawls the magnificent Chateau de Versailles. An impeccable view. A luxurious heaven. Bonjour, perfection.

Trianon Palace Versailles

Trianon Palace Versailles

Trianon Palace Versailles

Constructed in 1909 on the site of an old convent, the Trianon Palace was designed by René Sergent who was also responsible for creating the Plaza Athénée in Paris. The beauty & elegance of the hotel & its legendary gardens attracted Parisian high society & other well-known visitors, including the Duke & Duchess of Windsor who spent their honeymoon there. Today, the Trianon Palace allows guests to experience the renown destination & its authentic luxury service with 199 elegantly appointed guest rooms & suites, contemporary interior design by Fiona Thompson, a full-service Guerlain Spa, and Gordon Ramsay’s first restaurant in France, Gordon Ramsay au Trianon.

Trianon Palace Versailles

Trianon Palace Versailles

Trianon Palace Versailles

At only 20 kilometers from Paris & as well as a next door neighbor to one of the most historical castles of past French monarchy, Trianon Palace is situated on 3 acres of serene parkland. A perfect retreat of glamour & relaxation. Having undergone a multi-million dollar renovation, the palace’s antique marble bathrooms & Italian marble floors were restored to their original glory. A new level of sophistication was introduced to the interior design with bespoke furniture & a color palette infused with olive, oyster gray, and green apple. Contemporary meets imperialism. The historic room where the Treaty of Versailles was signed, the Salon Clemenceau, with its gilt-decorated columns & terrace was also preserved.

Trianon Palace Versailles

Trianon Palace Versailles

If a picture can say a million words, imagine what a view of this magnitude says. As you reach for a pain au chocolat from the table, you find yourself to be speechless. Silenced. Smiling at the sky, you regale in exquisite exclusivity. | Giuseppe


pictures courtesy Trianon Palace Versailles

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